Resources for Florists

welcome to your digital toolbox

What if you could take the guess work out of pricing and ordering?

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to manage the parts of your business that might not always light you up. Budgeting, accounting, quoting, putting together a proposal or design document. It’s a lot of hats for one person to wear, and it can be exhausting.

But I’m here to help make sure you can earn enough money to live, doing what you love, and spend more time in the parts of your business that make you happiest.

These are the tools I’ve developed for myself over many years. They work for me, and after sharing them with a few friends I quickly realised they might work for you too. Everything I’ve ever learned, streamlined, just for you. I still use these templates to this day.

  • "I'm looking forward to using it at the markets tomorrow morning where it will hopefully alleviate a little bit of the panic that I don't have enough flowers that normally follows me around for every wedding."

  • "These tools are a fantastic way to keep your business in check and for simplifying ways to produce an effective and strong quote. These are great tools to used for not just ordering and costing but to become very familiar with your product, your business style and ways to keep your pricing in check. Helping to share aspects of our business' like building profit margin and not undercutting will continue to build a stronger industry. This is a great asset! Thanks Viv!!"